Sunday, February 27, 2005

Msn Messenger

Hey if any of you wana come and chat with me on msn messenger
download it there for free. Kewl I hope to see you there!

Saturday, February 26, 2005

Devotion towards…

You know when you are doing the same stuff and want to try something new? You not quite sure what, but you want to start it straight away! I recently started playing bass guitar because I have no musical talent at all what so ever, I thought that it would be a kewl experience just to try it and see how things go.

The problem with most of us is that we hardly get to the stage where we actually go and try out those new things, we know what we want to do, but never get around to really doing it! Just leaving the thought in the back of our minds, thinking oh I’ll do it sometime.

It took me a while to actually start taking lessons and getting the show on the road, but finally I did. Now when you have a thought, it would be kewl if I did that, you must actually go and do it! Otherwise you would never know if it is fun and you like it or not.

Stepping out in faith here does apply because not thinking oh I’ll be terrible I can’t do that, but actually you can do it! Just set your mind to it and you can accomplish anything with God’s strength.

He is your refuge, He is your strength and He is the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and ultimately and most important of all:

G O D > I S > L O V E

Its where it comes from, it where it goes, its what makes the world go around, its what God gives Christians to make this world a better place, its how we, as his people can love others like we love ourselves.

Without love, Christians would be selfish like the rest of the world, not loving their neighbours like they should. We wouldn’t have the little peace that’s left in this world.

It would be gone, desiccated and dry. We would be suffering even more than the persecution we face today, because without love, how can we love God and others?

How can we care for people like God does? How can we believe in Jesus Christ without loving what He did on the cross for us?

Theres a difference between love and infatuation/lust: God says love others not lust over others. Keep your hearts pure and your minds will become pure. God wants to cleanse you of all uncertainty and plant a new beginning and a new breath of love into you.

Accept His grace, He is not the way out, He is, infact the way in. Into your heart, to be able to really relate to first yourself then to others, He will open eyes and ears to what is going on around you in the physical as well as the spiritual. You will build up a stronghold within yourself and will be able to be sensitive to His spirit. Ask and believe.
God Bless *c*

Saturday, February 19, 2005

Indolent Emotions

It all starts one day, you are amped to go, you are ready you’ve been planning this for weeks and everyone is going, its gonna be the best and most awesomest experience of your life, what can go wrong with everything being so right?

I’ve experienced and lived through that many times, my expectancy of a great day, is so high I almost get complacent and conceited before it happens.

It all comes back to the beautiful break-down. Everytime it happens, everytime we get let down, our dreams shattered and our lives emptied, it does something to us. It chips away the little pieces of hope we still have in this world.

We start to not put any faith in this world and the people in it, we become so totally independent on the world its scary. We don’t need the world to satisfy our every need and want.

Which is all right! we don’t need the world to give us the desires which we want and need, we need Jesus to do that for and with us. To look to the world for your unmet need is erroneous because it will not be able to satisfy you. The devil plants tricks and traps over your life and you start to think that you don’t need God to be able to do things and that’s all wrong.

We do need God, for everything, He feeds us, He clothes us. Its not the world that is looking after His people, its Him!

So pull up your socks, and start believing, stop doubting, Jesus is the way and the only way, don’t rely on what the world can do for you, but what you can do to the world. The reformation is upon us.

God Bless and Bless God
Which Pirates of the Caribbean character are you?
Posted by Hello

Apprehension is over and out.

Hey guys I’ve had a rather rough week and I’m sure most of you have to. Its had a lot of work and deadlines to complete and when you finally do them on the day you don’t have to hand it in anyways which starts to exasperate me.

We get told to do something, which doesn’t fit with our schedule. We finally get it start and finished, then get told that we didn’t have to do it or its only for next week. I wonder why the hassle, if it wasn’t needed, then why did I do it?

We get stuck in a routine and that is impossible to get out of. Day in day out, week in week out, doing the same things. No variation. School, college, work its just unmet needs which we have to fulfil.

We start to get sick of it, not switching things around, but doing the same old boring things over and over, its only when we actually step out in faith and go do something that we don’t ordinarily do, is when we find something new which we essentially enjoy.

Sometimes taking a break from the everyday routine when we can, and reflecting on our lives, “going away for a while”. Is a great way to look back on our lives and step out that so called box, to see whats really going on in the inside. [of our lives.]

At the end of last year God revealed to me, what He wanted to do this year, in my life and others around me, and that was “to expand and grow our limited visions of Him”.

Now I come back to the box, we all know that we box God right? Never expecting all we should be, not having enough faith etc. The thing is we cannot get out of the box, it cannot disappear, because we would in essence, die. Yes sounds weird but look, if we had to see God for all He was, in all His Glory we would indisputably die, it says it in the Bible, heres an example:

Judges 13v22 –
“And Manoah said to his wife, We shall surely die, because we have seen God.”

Which shows the fear they already had of God, it is written in the past tense but if you continue reading this you can see that God spared their lives because God used them and they were infact the parents of Samson, the Philistine conqueror.

Ok so back to the box, we cannot loose the box for we shall die, so all we can do is make it bigger. We increase the size of the box, so we are still shielded from God because we can never be fully expectant of Him its pretty impossible, that’s like knowing Christianity inside out, we are always knowing God more and more, but on this Earth we will never be able to know Him completely. So to increase the box size we increase our expectancy of what God wants to do in and through us!

So increase your boxes don’t let them “grow on you”. God wants to intervene everywhere in your life, He wants to be your main focus, all you have to do is submit and let Him.

God Bless you and I hope that you increase your boxes!

This is the new phone I'm gonna be getting soon, my dads getting an upgrade and it bypasses him and goes straight to me! All riiite, but then you start to think, well do i really need it? no. Do i really want it? maybe. is it a another material thing in my life? yes. so the degrees of it increase all the time. buit we'l see.  Posted by Hello

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

I've taken a break 4 a while

Hope you don't mind, just 2 reassess some things in my life. You know life's all about the change we're willing to acquire. The amount of change we are willing to include in our lives, is how we are gonna end up some day.

Lost, left waiting for the world to change around us. The problem with that is that the world is changing but alas it's changing for the worst. We are living with more and more death, homicide, suicides than the world has ever experienced. The tsunami doesn't help matters now does it?

We start to feel helpless, unable to "change the world", how can we living a small insignificant lives, with just a dot on the timeline of creation.

God knows that, He knows how we feel, and pouring out our heart to him is a start, to tell Him how we are feeling at all times. He is infact the ultimate councillor, and wants to hear and listen to us.

He wants to see how we choose to go about things without him, watching us fail hopelessly, must be humorous for Him. Until He intervenes in our lives, we cannot change the world for the better; we cannot spread the word of Jesus without offering our lives as sacrifices for His purpose, His will.

Of course we always hear that the small things are irrelevant but then someone says “the small things matter”. We start to ponder do they? How small? Is there a scale? Are my problems big enough?

Recently my nice black Billabong trucker hat, kinda like the Quiksilver one here, got stolen. Now usually someone would be bummed about it, but I wasn"t its not about what you loose its about what you gain, count your blessings.

There is no scale, and in this current world, we get taught to stand up for ourselves, we get mocked and humiliated everytime we show a slight sign of weakness or vulnerability.

Its not meant to be like that. The alpha male, the man of the house, the masculine, rugby playing, 120kg man, I'm afraid isn't realistic and never was.

We need to learn to be able to reach out to our friends our mentors, that not-so-older generation. The people we look up to, who have been through and know the ropes of being a teenager or above (depending on your age) we need to reach out to them. Make time and be available; to be able to attend some sort of unity group or cell/life group is a must. To encourage and be encouraged, grow and learn we all need it.

To think you can run your own life, take a back seat, it doesn't work like that, a little backsliding there a bit of sin here, its all good hey? No I'm afraid its just not good enough.

If we want to be amped for God, we need to set up some restrictions on our own lives, have accountability partners and have a bit of self and spiritual discipline please.

Discipline, obedience, regulation some control over what we want to do. we all need it, sort out our lives before its too late.

Posted by Hello

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Its De Wet Barry - The best Rugby player ever! Posted by Hello

The new Hillsong - United album Posted by Hello