Saturday, October 29, 2005

I live in South Africa an we dont have any volcanoes here or earthquakes or even hurricanes for that matter, but its just amazing hw powerful God is, and how Jesus has all power over nature in every aspect, be glad this doesnt happen in your town! Posted by Picasa

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Probe, probes and more bicycles

Hey you know in the bible it says rejoice always right? Thats something that I like to model my life on and always to remember that and to pray that and in that is important, but yesterday I asked myself why do i rejoice? Like what is the reason for me to do all this rejoicing? I thought of 4 basic things:

1. Gods creation
2. Sent Jesus to die 4 us
3. Saved me and is workingin my life
4. Jesus is coming back an I'll check him in heaven.

Ok so that was what i found but my Q is: Do we rejoice in God for what He's done ie: all that stuff and obviously more and our testemonies etc or in do we rejoice in who He is. Like His caracter cause I thought in who He is, overflows what He does. Its sort of the same in us, for we were made in His likeness. And if we have God's love living and breathing inside of us then we do things out of the overflow of that love. Anyways what do you think?

Monday, October 10, 2005

New Findings!

Actually I didnt find anything but what I did make is a new word today! Ok I dont officially have my own language just yet, but we'll see after a few years...
The word is, ok just wait for it, ok here:
Ok you probably thinking "Oh i know what that means." but think no you dont sorry, its not a word until now, as soon as i post this article. And yes I do know what it means! I didnt just make it up and not understand what it means. The meaning is:
Hetero meaning different
di meaning two
phobia meaning to have a fear of something
Now if you put that all together you get: Being afraid of two things that are different. For example in a maths sum when you are supposed to get two answers that are the same but instead get two that are completely different. How irritating is that?

Heres it in a sentence: "My teacher came home and phoned my mom inquiring about the fact that i had attained 73% on my report card for biology not realising that I had infact been sick the previous week with Laryngitis because I went to England and caught the sickness on the way back in the aeroplane from the man sitting next to me who had his left index finger missing from a freak chainsaw accident, after hearing his story it was lunch time and the airhostess was drawing near and I was really in the mood for Chicken and carrots that day, but suddenly thought to myself, what if she doesnt say 'beef or chicken' and says 'we only have beef and rice today, sorry'. After going through a short stage of heterodiphobia, i thought and then came to the understanding and self-actualisation that it was a short flight and they were only serving drinks."

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

My friends I made on mission Posted by Picasa

My friends I made while on Mission Posted by Picasa

Sunday, October 02, 2005

God's Mysterious Missions

Hey I arrived back here in Cape Town 24hrs ago from being in a little town called Prince Albert. I went up with 12 other ambassadors for Christ as we planned to bring the gospel in a tangible form to the people for a week.

We did a lot of things and God really working through us which rocked. The problem with going on mission and doing a lot of things for God is you can very easily get burnt out and tired, which happened to a few of our team members but not too bad.

When we arrived we thought that the guys were going to stay in the church hall and the girls in hosted homes which weren’t the case when we got there, so all 13 of us had to go and stay in one big house all together. Now this was weird but we realised afterwards how God had a hand in on the situation, for if we hadn’t been together we would not have been able to have any planning meetings or devotions at the night time which we did everyday! I still don’t know what we would have done.

We ran a holiday club for the little kids like age 3-12. We had games and song time and did plays and skits for them. We went really spiritual and then did like a message at the end of the day on the life of David in 1 Samuel.

That went well, the only problem here was communication because all the kids didn’t speak English only Afrikaans which none of us were exceptionally great at, we occasionally used our own translators to get the message across. That went fine and the kids understood.

The one day we were required to do an open-air meeting which is just going to a place in the city and start preaching with worship with a keyboard and sharing testimonies. I was required to give a salvation talk there, but it got cancelled so I didn’t prepare at all. Then we got told that we had to drop everything and go down there and do it!! Of course my heart sank as I hadn’t done much on my speech I had to deliver it anyways and it went well, Glory to God!

We ran youth programs in the night and taught the youth there, I also preached there on true freedom, with translation.

We attended the prison there and there were approximately 20 men there, we shared testimonies and did skits. It was interesting to see their reactions and their faith in God.

On the last day we did the altar call and about 80% of the kids came up and gave their lives to Christ and accepted His blood over their lives. We all made friendships there and are really keen to go back as you always are when you find a real gem of a place.

One thing I learnt is how easy it is to break down the unity within a group and how much unity plays a role. You need to know each others strengths, weaknesses and capabilities. With unity you go as fast as the slowest person and bring everyone through.

One thing I realised at the end was that I had had a holiday from my mission work in South Africa and was then doing God’s work elsewhere. Now that I’m back its not that I’m not on mission anymore or that I’m a lost cause that I’m not “officially” on mission, I’m back and prepared to go for God once more.