Sunday, May 29, 2005

Romans 5v3-5

God help me in my troubles, deliver me from my tribulations
Tribulations help my to rely on You alone, help me to be patient
Patient heart is what You desire, God I seek your endurance
Endurance gives me foundation in You, I attain experience
Experience Your Will in my life, because with God there is always hope
Hope without faith, is a life without God’s greatest characteristic:

Saturday, May 28, 2005

Jumping into things with discretion

I seem to want things to always go my way, and to get stuff sorted out, back to how they used to be or even better, wow I could even sort out someone else’s life and then they’ll be forever in debt to me, and what I did!

I seem to jump into things too quickly these days and I believe that in one way or another we all do. Not really surveying the state of affairs or circumstance.

I used to believe I seriously had the gift of discernment, which is to distinguish between spirits and to see whether they are from God or not, and they have great insight into situations. Now because I could see if someone wasn’t their self one day and could see if someone had frustration or unforgiveness towards another, I believed I was “super-spiritual”.

Now no one likes that term but well, yeah. Most of the time all of that isn’t discernment at all! Peoples so called talents, ie: discretion. It is something that we tend to overlook and assume its discernment when its really not.

Discretion is something that means good judgement or being careful, tactful or even just knowing right from wrong! Knowing right from wrong is not discernment!

True discernment tells you things that you can’t “see” with the naked eye. God can give you the most intense look into the spiritual world, it’s unbelievable.

Let’s not immediately jump into things, just take it slow. Rash decisions can cost you big time, if you don’t way up your options correctly. Be careful and God Bles5, this world wont take you heartily.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

My man wins again! Posted by Hello

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Thats me when I was just kidding I wasnt that cute* Posted by Hello

Void Email

Eleven thirty
Lifes one last thought
Bought in one instant
Lives change forever

My world turned upside down
Cannot control His love
Its incomprehensible
Death has become life

Slavery to myself
Whilst being hid in the darkness
Blinded from truth
Through unappreciated lies

Have I learnt my lesson?
Whats to change
Do I look back on the past?
Whats to leave out

My dissociation from the one I love
Has cost me my freedom
Intentioned driven life
Consequently who believes?

Deciding which way is which
Discretion or discernment
Filling up with death
Blank pages ruined my life

Help I cried out for
Grace demonstrated power
My faith was bolstered

Looking back
Choosing life changed mine
For all He’s worth

Friday, May 20, 2005

Throwing In the Towel

Do you ever want to give up?
To admit defeat, and let things work themselves out. Sure it’ll be ok, its not my fault or my problem an if it affects me negatively it’ll affect everyone so we’ll all be in the same boat so who cares!!??

It’s a Q I ask myself sometimes and then forget about it and move on. Sadly even though no one wants to do it; improvement for all ie: win-win situation. Stuff has to happen and things need to change.

I often see friends making wrong decisions an it sucks cause I don’t wana go up to them all the time and tell them straight to their face this is wrong this is what I think etc etc.

Maybe God is bigger than all circumstances, maybe God did sacrifice for the greater good of all, maybe, and just maybe God does do all things to the good of those who love Him.

So why do we then have to suffer consequences of trying to make things right? Sometimes I don’t know and sometimes I don’t know, but those times when I don’t know I give to God an He’ll sort out problems that may occur.

You know when you can see stuff clearly that others try to hide, but do so horribly? Its quite humorous because I watch and observe people and you can clearly see something may be going on but don’t want to say something, until you are with your friends!

That’s where gossip arrives, and it’s a battle because we always love to talk about it and find the latest scoop on things, we don’t want to be left out. But essentially we are not left out of the most important things. In the whole scheme of things God directly has a plan for our life and has His specific will for our lives.

Which actually rocks and to be honest with you I would rather know that sort of stuff for my life then know about an issue such as Mike telling Jimmy that Robert told Sam that Dave once like Susie’s cousin, Lisa. I mean seriously God is so rad, imagine if we knew all of Gods plans for our lives!?

Jesus blood never fails us, which means His sacrifice that He paid for us was not in vain, and we can call on His blood at all times, His blood covers us, and we are under ownership of Christ. He has authority over us, and we have in His name!

As for me:
I gonna press on
and not give up.
His strength is in me.
Gossip is out
And God
Is in

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Isaiah 12

Poem I wrote based on Isaiah 12

God I failed,
You were disappointed, I let you down
You comforted me, when I needed it most

I am not afraid,
I will trust in you always,
For you are my strength

All rivers run to you,
I come to you,
Because you are my salvation

I will proclaim your name, and tell of all you’ve done
My Glorious one, My Holy one
Shout your name O’ people of Zion.

Learn to connect with God, He came down to be with us, not like us. So we must be like Him. God wants to relate wants a relationship, join hands with Him an fight the good fight! Posted by Hello

Sunday, May 01, 2005

 Posted by Hello