Saturday, June 25, 2005

Sum ammusing comments

What happens if you get scared half to death twice?
No word in the English language rhymes with month, orange, silver, or purple.
There are more chickens than people in the world.
The longest one syllable word in the English language is "screeched".

Weird some of them, some of them you knew, some you didnt. Most probably not but thats fine. I'm usually never busy, maybe have one or two things that I have to do during the day, but now? I have so much to do! Its been a bit of a battle, sometimes too much stuff to handle, but you have to keep looking to God for strength which I havn't been doing, because otherwise you will become burnt out. Which I'm suffering with at the moment. Spend time with God, its the only way to get to know Him. I thought I knew that, but look now? Am I doing it? Am I putting in the effort to sustain a relatively good relationship, which should be the best one I have? make sure you are!

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Keeping time

About a month I started seeking God more cause I was slacking a lot, and then God gave me a verse “The Lord disciplines those He loves”. So I’m like ok sounds good, now how do I apply that to my life?

I know God loves me, it says that in the Bible (loved me? Jn3:16…) and discipline sort of means that theres an authority or power over me that rebukes me and puts me in my place when I step out of line, kind of like a teacher or a father disciplining children.

So I figured that if I attained this discipline then when I sin God would sort me out!

Well it didn’t really work like that because before all of this I was already sinning and The Holy Spirit was convicting me during that time, so in a way God was already disciplining me because He already loved me!

But wait I didn’t really get this so I kept desiring God to discipline me, and as usual He came through. What started to happen was I started thinking a lot outside the box, and how God was using me, where He wanted me and when. It was weird I desired for stuff to happen and out of the blue during this weird time in my life, when I was very confused and not so sure of everything, He used me so much just to speak into other peoples lives and encourage, build up and strengthen.

Of course then came the harsh side of it all, with the good sometimes comes the bad, and am I feeling it! Got in a lot of unavoidable trouble, havnt been faithful, respectful, got put in very sticky situations, my mind started working against me and I really started feeling this so called discipline.

What is so awesome about it, is that I can see God working in me and through me and I’m just gonna press into that and see where it takes me, cause greater is He who is in me than he who is in the world and I believe it!

Till then peace out
God Bles5

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Leave me be...

Man down

Alone scared left in the darkness,
waiting for them all.
When will He rescue me,
can you exclude me from this mess?

Trusting a weapon of choice,
to get me through the battle.
Judgement upon me arrises,
can I survive it on my own?

I tell myself yes,
yet the doubt is still there.
Rewriting my life for you,
can it be a familier pattern?

Light of me,
light from you.
Alluminate me so i can choose,
Your heart over mine.
Posted by Hello

Best war and most expensive mini-series ever made! Posted by Hello

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Essence is something

lives of enduring love
grace surpasses our failure
looking to the skies for a glimpse of hope
my sundried heart still thirsts

a faith untroubled
a will unhindered
selflessness is the gateway to humility
justice will be demonstrated accordingly

disobedience sparks furry
whilst fear drives me further away
my attention shifts away as
i begin to stumble

the pressures of a life to the full
potentially being the best I can be
circuming to the efforts of the flesh
has the will of the almighty been carried out?

time ticks on till death do us part
or will the vow of one involve us all?
concentrating on change
we forget whos staying the same

representing a begotten man
traipsing through each new day
too afraid to act on instinct
too afraid to give myself up

complicated lives of few
illustrated beings of course
willingly allowing their paths to venture
out into the decorated desert

i want to be all I can be
i choose gain not loss
yet loss so active in me
is the one way for me to gain.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Wait Stop! Wait go! Wait hold on! Wait i dont know. Posted by Hello

3 Monkeys

You know that clichéd phrase: "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil?"

Well I thought about it for a while and it occurred to me that its not Christian, wo what some of you are like ok thats nice or duh! But the tree little monkeys which represent this "truth" I have sitting in my room! So I always thought okay yeah, its kewl like all that no evil stuff thats the Christian thing to do.

When I realised that its impossible for me to see no evil, I see it everyday. Its impossible for me to hear no evil, its around me all day. Its impossible for me to speak no evil at the moment for I am sinful and bad stuff will always come out my mouth sometime or another.

This leads me to my arbly-unrelated difficiency dissorded next point. You know when you are at home for supper and your mom says this is for supper, lets say for example peas, chicken and potatoes. SO you go okay and she goes out expecting you to eat all three.

Now obeying your mom would be to eat all three, and obeying yourself would be to eat the stuff that you like lets say the chicken and potatoes only.

But then you think to yourself well do I really have to eat these peas? I don’t like them very much and I am unaware if they have nutritional value at all. Whats the point of eating stuff that has no nutritional value whatsoever?

Imagine you have been eating peas your whole life, “because they are good for you” and when you are 35 you realise that they actually have no nutritional value whatsoever?

I mean you have literally suffered your whole life eating this “good stuff” when it hasn’t been making your health any better than it already was! I would go into depression for about 7 minutes wondering why God didn’t tell me sooner, now that leads me into what I want to say.

The world says do this and do that. From when you are small you get instructions from various places: friends parents brothers, sisters, tv and others. Now we just from a young age assume all this is true and real, and we must believe it all.

Now what we should be doing as we get older is really challenge our beliefs, doesn’t have to be spiritual, just your beliefs in anything and actually find out!

I didn’t know that those monkeys were wrong and when I did I got them straight outer my room and in the trash! I also used to think that “going overseas” was just to another country. Only till I realised that its actually going overseas, as in over the sea! I felt pretty retarded after that.

So stay strong stay equipped, empowerment stimulates effectiveness.
God Bles5