Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Heys sum arb quotes/slash/sayings i acquired:

1.The little boat gently drifted across the pond exactly the way a bowlingball wouldn't.
2.Her hair glistened in the rain like nose hair after a sneeze.
3.The plan was simple, like my brother Phil. But unlike Phil, this plan justmight work.
4.The dandelion swayed in the gentle breeze like an oscillating electric fanset on medium.
5. It hurt the way your tongue hurts after you accidentally staple it to a cylindrical steel pipe.

Friday, August 26, 2005

10 tips for life as we know it?

Havnt posted much recently besides pictures so heres a treat:

1. We've been watching movies in english,
2. I had fun at youth tonight,
3. Lost my hockey match (yes T i did),
4. Been having awesome prayer times at night before I go sleep,
5. Received admin ie:got in trouble from some people, suffered the affects
6. Missing the rugby tomorrow between South Africa and The All Blacks
7. Have to study for my science test
8. Its been raining excessively
9. Going out to a youth training session tomorrow
10. Shared my testamony

Now those are just some of the things which are going on in my life in about the last week, and yeah they're important stuff, some of the things and yes God has used me and taught me in some of them, but really what do they amount to? I mean if someone asked me what I've done in the last week, I would have probably just babbled on about those things right there. Complained abit about things out of my control, but overall God should come out on top and receive all the Glory from our lives right? He should be praised and honoured in everything we do as believers in Christ.
Its a pitty that that doesnt always happen. We can be all "super spiritual" and think those happen and talk about it, but thats a face to everyone else and they'll find out sometime. We can't pray to God and say: "Lord we give you praise, glory, honour and power" if we arent ACTUALLY DOING IT. its called lying, look it up. We actually need to live a life worthy of Jesus, and do what He would have done in situasions and act like He would, thats giving Him praise and honouring His "legacy". Thank Him for coming out on top in all situations, and praise His name for delivering you out of everything you cannot handle for that is a truth.

Peace in*

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Planet Shakers concert Posted by Picasa


Woah i bet no one knows what Scientology is! its weird cultic group who have "the Church of Scientology" i mean please its so lame i cannot believe that some people can actually give in to stuff like this. puts it bluntly:
"Definition: Founded by L. Ron Hubbard (1911-1986), a popular science fiction author, Scientology is supposed to be a science, a religion and a church. The basic book of Scientology is Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health, published in 1950. "
A science, religion and a church? I've heard about intergration and I totally agree with incorparating God into your life but this is starting to sound like Christian Science. I've had enough I gonna take a break.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

wow check that baby* Posted by Picasa

hectic blast

Cost i've been receiving a bit of heat from the stuff I've been putting up on my blog so I gonna be toning it down 4 a while, cause yeah I dont want any admin 2 deal with at the moment! But yeah its all good though cause isnt that what blogs are used for hey?
I have also been reading this Powerful praying book recently, its pretty good I guess, I dont seem to read alot of those type of books, I stick to the newspaper, because if it takes the place of the Bible, then it is not being used for what it was intended for. Its an addition to what you may or are currently reading in the Bible, as to add to your knowledge and offer you more information on a particular topic, which the Bible may not expand as much as you would have liked it to.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

PINK!! would you like a pink car?  Posted by Picasa

Thursday, August 04, 2005


Here is a comment I found on a site its really awesome

God gets no glory when we say things like; “I am so worried about thus and so,” “I am afraid this or that will happen,” “ I do not believe I can do all things,” “I just can’t do it”, “I have this wrong with me,” “ I'm so sick I do not know if I will ever get better,” “God healed me of this but I still have this wrong with me,” I am sick, tired, afraid, scared, worried, lonely, crazy, fearful, and bad always happens to me. When we talk and we use these words in a our conversation, God gets no glory in them. You give the devil all the praise. Because Christ came and paid the price for all these things and you do not acknowledge the fact that He did. No matter what you might think God’s glory comes in goodness. All things come together for good to those who love the Lord. But God gets glory for the good not the bad. God’s glory comes in the resurrections. God gets no glory from crucifixion. Crucifixion is the devils way of saying I rule can you not see that?

So actually do that and listen to that.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

New Hillson cd made in February this year Posted by Picasa

thats the new cd "nothing is sound" Posted by Picasa

New Switchfoot CD coming out real soon, go check thsir site for the pic, it checks really awesome I cant wait! Posted by Picasa