Friday, April 29, 2005

Preparing for the organisation?

It is interesting to note that even as much preparation people do and as many times they practise things, or rehearse, sometimes they don’t always work out?

We tend to try and organise stuff so much that we leave God very little to work with and because we are so unbelievably determined to get these things across properly and done how we want it done and what we think should be done.

When you leave spaces for God to work, its called being flexible towards God, not flinching everytime something out of the ordinary happens.

The other day we had someone speak out tongues into a microphone for the church to hear and for someone interpret. Those are the situations when the leadership of the church has to sit back and wait for God to work and/or intervene.

Its something I struggle with and I always want things to be organised and structured, which is a pity, cause a lot of the time when I feel Gods peace, like really feel it, that’s when you realise stuffs gonna be okay, and in that “celestial” state of being you cannot possibly think of anything which you can even have a small bit of worry about.

Gods peace is something that I like to live for, feeling it and not just knowing, but believing that things will be okay, and that “God works to the good of those who love him” [Romans 8:28]

Its Jesus I live for and Him alone

That’s all
God Bles5

 Posted by Hello

New msn messenger

hey u guys wana download 4 free the new msn messenger
its kewl and free.

Love existing as Matter

Hey i wrote this poem the other day for our prayer meetings we hold for our school, we come 2 our school on a Tuesday night and pray 4 it and the people there to get saved and for God to have His way.

Five four fold,
Existing as one another
Only enough to stay in touch

Count your blessings,
Reap what you sow to
Believe in the believer

Short gasps but only
Quick prayers of exasperation
Seem to get out

How long,
How far,
Until it starts to grow weary?

With souls longing for intimacy
Rapid sense of misdirection’s
Lead them back to the start

Five four fold,
Where to commence?
A few adjustments should do the trick

If grasping a concept
Means submissive love
Is it worth the aggravation?

God’s way reveals a truce
Unlike any other with
Perfection that speaks louder than words

Standing up to the instruction
Risking the exposure
Of a judging spotlight

Faith to move mountains
Death to endure the salvation
Life to cure the infection
Reality meets desire
Where love succeeds empire

Saturday, April 23, 2005

ooo lets go there!! Don't you just love waterfalls? I mean everyone loves waterfalls right? Posted by Hello

Letting it all out

When I start to realise where I am at, and who I am at with, it makes me ponder how can I maximise my relationships to their full potential? Does that mean that I can become a comprehensive person?

To become comprehensive, complete, living life to the absolute full, pushing your limits always trying to be “going somewhere” in life, is that what we should be doing?

But what happens about those times, when you are doing all of that, and then there is a stone in the road that we trip over? Like we start to unintentionally mess stuff up, whatever it may be.

It happens to me a lot, I may try to help out and sort things out with people, but end up messing things up more than what they were, has that ever happened to you?

I’m sure it has, we always try to save the day, and come across as a “good guy or girl” but go about things the wrong way.

Sometimes its good to let a certain issue brew on its own, and sometimes its good to go in there with correct motives and see what you can do.

Nobody wants a sore loser or a person, who thinks they are always right. People want a leader, someone to look to in a time of need, someone to direct them and guide them.

Many people don’t have that in their lives and go about just hoping someone else will do the dirty work or cleaning up issues amongst friends or whatever. The question is, could you be that person? Will you be the one to go up to the “suspects” and give them a piece of your mind?

It takes courage and audacity to go up to someone and tell them what they are doing is wrong and that they are hurting other people. I’ve had to do that more than once in my life, but sometimes it has to be done.

The Relient K song “Let it all out”, depicts it beautifully, it talks about being scared to find out, what this life’s all about. This life is about relationships, its how you life your life and what you make of it that counts.

“I know that this will hurt, but if I don’t break your heart, then things will just get worse” shows that sometimes if we don’t act when things are in the kindergarten stage then it will be really hard later on!

This doesn’t mean go and confront your worst enemies from the word go, it means that to suppress an issue and not talk about it, doesn’t mean its gonna magically disappear and we all know that, so guys, girls sort it out!

Monday, April 11, 2005

Prevailing deserted storms

Almost as easy as running a marathon
Or getting out of school
You can’t get away and
You can’t hide from it

Is it worth it to run?
To escape the derailment
Can we overcome?
Or just hope it passes us by

I live for expectancy, waiting on God
What if He really came?
Where would we be?
And would we be ready

Stormy weather throughout history
Speaks of a chosen nation
King of Judah, King of Zion
King of kings, King of me

You go from desert to oasis
And back again
You wanna know why?
Ask, if you get there

Can a small candle survive a storm?
Alone cold and wet
No one to hold onto
No one to grab

Realistically, no
With God, yes
Anything is possible
All we need is faith

Keeping your emotions intact
Developing a keen sense of purpose
Determined we press on
Towards the gates of the Glorious Kingdom

Lift your eyes
For the end of the beginning
Pull up your socks
For the then becomes the now

So will you be ready?
When all hurt and pain ceases to exist
God will save the day, and all will say
The perfection has arrived

Saturday, April 09, 2005

I just got a new Black Cort Bass 4 string guitar similar to this one. Posted by Hello

Back in an instant

Hello I’m back.
From hockey tour, from the world, back to God, back to repentance, back to His way, His will, my life is His alwayz.

You know Gods conviction like the back of your hand, at least your spirit does, its something that doesn’t leave you until you leave it. It bugs you forever and you cant get away from that little voice saying, “you shouldn’t have done that” or “go apologise and make peace”.

It happens quite often for some and occasionally for others. The other day I had one of these moments, where you cannot deny was God telling you to sort things out. A friend did something to me, that I wasn’t happy about and I got irritated cause it continued and I knew I was gonna be angry with my friend next time I saw my friend.

I didn’t want this to happen, at least God didn’t so He intervened and told me you gotta sort out your feelings towards your friend before you see them again. So I’m like okay. I prayed about it and asked God to take it away from me, its in his hands and I didn’t have the resentment feelings towards my friend anymore, it was like a burden, ever so small had just lifted from my chest.

It was simple, no hard explanations, no hours of heavy prayer, no hours of reading Leviticus or getting counselling from friends. 1. I had a problem. 2. God told me to sort it out. 3. I gave it to him. 4. He took it. 5. I believed and was free again.

It can work like that for you to. God actually I’ve found isn’t as complicated as we all think He is. Obviously in different situations some things can take a while to give to God and get sorted out and here is why: Either we aren’t able to give the issue to God or we keep holding on. Or we don’t have enough faith that God is gonna sort it out. Or God has other plans; He may have us keep it for a while and through that teach us to be more considerate to others or something like that depending on the issue.

So what we can learn from this is that its not hard to give your problems/issues to God. You pray about something that is bugging you, and you receive a release.

God is faithful and will never put you through anything you cannot handle with Him. Just ask God to take your heavy heart and make it

God Bles5


Thursday, April 07, 2005

Werid wtritnigs

I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrdwaht I was rdgnieg The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid Aoccdrnig to arscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer inwaht oredr theltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsatltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitllraed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raedervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? yaeh, and Iawlyas thuhogt slpeling was ipmorantt!"

Sunday, April 03, 2005

New search engine

Hey I been rather busy lately so I havn't posted too much, but heres an interesting site that was brought to my attention: it is a search engine unlike any other, it takes its results which are all made up from Google, Yahoo and Ask Jeeves! Its like a 3 in 1. Give it a try:>