Friday, July 07, 2006

Tribute to failure

my instruments keep me
from the greatest prize of them all
the accolade above me
too far to reach
too exquisite to touch
my dreams
keep my inspired mind on edge
as the time becomes vulnerable
the losing stream catches up to me again
til the bell in clocked
and the glass is split
my reality slips ahead of time
my mind keeps it’s distance
as tempers begin to rage
afar from the soft, cool gust
engaging my rippled intellect
can I keep varying my approach
or will this inconsistency prevail?
announcing my dreamt future
should satisfy me in part
but if this prophecy stays at bay
it’ll certainly be my last
with downfall imminent
the danger is felt
too close to comfort
i alone won’t stand the fight
my death speaks louder
than one touch too soon
acute chance of defining my mark
in a history too cruel to care
the final bend strikes me down
into an everlasting pit of despair
as my life
my team
my world
hastily removes its possessive clutches
from my feeble hands
i am no loser
just a mere puppet of entertainment
i shall not use this failure
or swipe this cards chance
the opportunity has passed me by
only with me to stare and cry

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Self titled

Do or die
i’ve lost my claims
Felt my vanity slip away
Slowly He appears
From twilight
Towards me, still
Closer now
Ever so stealthily
He assumes his position
i knelt back to avoid the shame;
Failure at its highest peak
Spurned by myself
Cast aside
By all who ever loved
He enters now
Gaining me with every breath
i await the inevitable
With one lethal look
He uncovers my sorrow
Shutting out any glimpse of hope
Inspiration is the key
Locked up for eternity
Derailing me from this nightmare
Seems almost impossible
He grasps my neck
In full conviction
i take my last breath
Closer now, still
He silhouette
Beckons my eyes to shut
This creeping, stalking, deadly devil
Takes all that is left
Dignity, wasted away
Assurance, taken for good
Belief, removed indefinitely
And faith insures
Do or die
Death does not part
Only life awaits