Sunday, October 31, 2004

Stealing Time

Like the song by Delirious? i also seem 2 wonder about time. and where it goes.
you have all this time 2 do wateva u want, then u get distracted and then u wonder
where it has all gone?

i seem 2 wonder that 2. i sumtimes dont even get time to do the things that i hav 2,
but dont want 2. and that irritates me. things like studying 4 exams and tests and
doing projects, its sumthing u choose to do and know u must and u want 2 do it, but
sum how never find the time.

ur weekend or weekday gets pummeled with meaningless stf which take up ur time.
its as if satan is stealing time from us. we always say o im going 2 read my bible today
or dominate some prayer or sumthing good like that, and we end up doing sumthing
else, or forgetting then wen we remember its too late, and we sub-contiously say, sorry
Jesus im putting u off for 2mrw.

i do that often and im sure you do to. its a hard thing to make time 4him and we feel
bad and guilty about "putting him off" which makes us procrastinate. which aint kewl!

so lets get our act together! but how easy is that? not really the thing is sacrifice. yes thats
the word there was alot of sacrificing going on in the OT. but then Jesus busted out da biggest
sacrifice in the NT. and now we say oooohh we cant give up this or that its too important to us.

Is it really? in the long run? i dont think so. there is alot of things we do day in day out, which
are in significant in a big way and are all bygons. we hav 2 look at ourselves and are we making
our father in heaven proud of us? i like to think so, but to a degree sadly we dont all the time.

sure we go to church sure we pray sure we read the bible but the reality is, do we sacrifice as much
as we should? as much as Jesus did>? i certainly dont. i try to but wat we do will never be enough.

i like to think of myself of 1 day going be4 God and him saying that wat i did 4 him on earth, he was
proud of. it would be grand* to be in front of ur creator and him saying well done.

so the moral of the story is do we sacrifice enough 4 Jesus? if we dont we beta start getting rid of
things we dont need, things we dont need to do, and spend more time with him, he is totally
deserving of all our time and money.pity he dont want all of our time, he wants out there
domin8ing with plp who dont know him and converting them into the kingdom of the eternals.
see on the flip side of the other side of the flip, wait flip who? side of the flip is not the other side
of the flipper its the side which got flipped before.

Saturday, October 30, 2004

Earth! Wind! Water! Fire! Heart! with our powers combined we are captain planet! Posted by Hello

Spirit is willing but the flesh is weak

People u know people u dont its all a matter of what u do when
and how u do it.people u dont know, like sum people u probably dont
care and dont want 2 know them or get out of ur so called comfort
zone and venture out into the worldenous of unforgotten memories
and lifeless trustfunds.

I know with me at least, im fine with where i am, still want 2 get
deeper with God and keep domin8ing but getting knew friends, and
trying sumthing new? im not down with that.

im sure alot of people arent. We see people
everyday who we dont know enithing about, or where they are at.
We see people we do know, and commuicate with them, hopefully
fairly enough 2 keep a strong relationship going. I try 2 do that.

But when God ses "no i dont think so" and tells you that u gotta
do better and more than you are doing at the moment then
u gotta seriously look at wats going wrong and where you can improve
and wat He wants you 2 do.

sumtimes he may say that sum of our relationships are not going
"according 2 plan" and we need 2 sort them out.

We all say Oh yes when God speaks to me and tells me wat 2 do i'll
do it-for sure. but will you really? hav u ever bn in that situation
when God tells you 2 do sumthing and u doubt it? or arent sure if
it was him?

I'll tell u sumin he tells me lots of things, all about stuff, things,
people, places. its all good. and i try 2 listen my best and obey his
every command. That seems easy but try it in the real world, with
people u would never in your wildest nightmares think of socializing
with. people who take drugs, watch porn, swear, drink, blaspheme
the list is endless.

I see people God has revealed to me that i hav or am gona hav a "bad"
view of them and i try to fix that. i see these people and judge them in my
uncontrollable mind, and try not 2 think about where they are going
in life, and what they are rather wat they arent gonna accomplish in
their pathetic lives. oops did i say pathetic i ment historic, God praising,
Spiritual, God glorifying, compessmentus lives. yes its possible.

u think not? i thought that to. but after looking at quite alot of people
at my church i can see that they were ALL there. Drinking, drugging
the rest goes on, and i see people 2day doing those things who seem like
normal natural people just living their lives o but thats only wat they
portray at skewl, and out of skewl? well lets just say that shall be

I keep thinking to myself over and over again there is no-way that they
will ever enter the gates of heaven, and the kingdom of the Almighty one.

But its possible, believe it or not, i've seen it happen. they say "change is good"
i say amen to that! it is and we can do it ourselves in out lives, our relationships,
our morals, our standards, or spirituality! its all good. getting better time
and time again. change is good except when its bad. oo absorb that one.

change is good. it happens. but with the good comes the bad. from being up
there with the Alpha and Omega then being on the oppisite side of the scale
just like that! a couple of weeks, days, hours is all it takes. i've seen it happen
quite recently and it gives u a not-so-fuzzy feeling inside.

again they can still make it back again, which after alot of prayer and patience
it happended. i seem 2 change my thoughts and doctrine quite alot but its all
good learning knew things, receiving revelations and knowing more of God.

I want 2 challenge you that its not about how deep you are or how deep you can go
but its wat u do with it that counts. you can be all high and mighty, mr.spiritual
but do u ever branch out? out that comfort zone? i dont. but im more than willing.

just remember matthew 26:41 "the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak." so wat
you say should be wat u do, so keep a tight hold on that can destroy sum1
with the drop of a hat. i've seen that 2. i've seen alot of things, and hav lots more 2
see and i cant wait. but with the good, comes the bad. so beware.

he is out there, watching your every step, tempting you, tricking you, making you
believe false doctrines, keep a close hold of yours and dont sway too easily,
like me.

Thursday, October 28, 2004

Just remember to watch where you're going! Posted by Hello

Look at this never-ending road its as if it has no start or ending. It kinda reminds me of the God we serve, i mean who really know when it all started and when its gonna end, we just gotta wait patiently and live out our lives knowing him and letting him be known. See the crooked sign post? it shows that the path ahead its not a straight free wheel we accually have to peddle and watch where we are going and take the right turns at the right places. So watch out you don't slip off, if you do, Jesus is holding your hand wanting for you to come back on as he pulls you back. Posted by Hello

Big props to this song rite here ya'll

yes this is the poem/song. I used a snipit of it a few lines down in my baptism. This person shall not be revealed lets just say, its straight from the horses mouth!

True as the skies blue,Real as the rain falls,My love for you has changednothing at all. Exept 4 my life, and all that is withinThe very air i breathe,my everyday grin. You are always there when i need you mostI have no need for a friendly ghost CH: They say others should learn from our mistakesbut why cant they learn from our good choices tooI cared to listen, and look at me,i found you The empty gap will still remainUnless the choice is madelive in the sons path or live out in the shade CH;- Another day is too lateIts already come and goneand your "later" will never comewhy close your ears to what you need to hearwhy let urself be numb? Ch:- Why, CH:-

The oppisite sex

Confusion seperates us
we long for a partner
no-one gets along

lack of understanding bringing us down
stupidity, or was that me?

it becomes unjust
us not knowing where to turn
or who to go to

it becomes a game of control and poccession
never-ending swirl of confusion

Trust secures the relationship
its all we have
when that falls, we hav nothing left

understanding is the key to succession
its the only way

we were ment to be together
but we are so apart, in many ways
we try aviod contact

and end up wishing we had never tried,
becoming husband and wife

women toilet sign: what does it all mean? you tell me, seems like just a women toilet sign, but is it really do u really know that have you really looked into the compesition and philanhropic parameters of this abstract picture? I certainly havn't, cause if I did 1stly where would i start and 2ndly i dont like bacon on an un-buttered roll-it sticks Posted by Hello

 Posted by Hello

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

you know when you frying bacon?
and the fat splashes on your hand?
yeah. Posted by Hello

Mclaren, woah not heres a team Montoya and Raikonen next year - superb domin8tion! Posted by Hello

hello kids this is dr.Phil here, plz wateva u do not i repeat do not under any circumstances try this at home or anywhere in a 7mile radias Posted by Hello

people of this world

dont u hate it wen plp write all over ur pictures and they make funny signs and weird signs u dont undrstand which makes u more confussed then u dont know why they are doing it and u tell them 2 stop but they dont, and u dont know why eni one would deface ur own drawings like that and then u wonder why u drew them in the 1st place and then u start to think well if they are drawing on them they cant be that good eniway so why does it matter, it just gets worse and you hav all this going on in your mind and then u hear th voise of the steak role man and ur mind suddenly stops ubruptivly and u wait then u turn and head out that way2wards the steak role man. 4the rest of your life you never remember the 7 minutes you took contemplating all of this and how much of a complete and utter waist of time, energy and probably sum space?( i dont know maybe u got in sum1s way) thats just how we are, i mean really what can we really do in 7minutes? we could wash the dishes, phone someone, polish our shoes, take a shower, pump up your bicycle ties, i dont know but half those things are boring and dont really matter. Or in that space of 420 seconds we could have told about 3 plp or more about the name of Jesus Christ, briefly but o it matters it really dus. those small things Do count so we should get our act together and sort it out!

Sunday, October 24, 2004

okay seriously look at this thing? u gotta be kidding me theres no way this even closely resembles a cat i mean cumaaaan, look at it! i mean seriously look at it! Posted by Hello

Getting the hang of things>

yeah well im getting the hang of this thing i hope, its gonna take a while. While u wait check tis out its one of my fellow blogger buddies! all riiite. so now i was thinking about all my NC's (non-Christians) and how they dont know God like at all and how deprived they r. etc etc and I hav been praying alot about sum of my close friends to become rocked people 2 God. and i was reading Isaiah 2day and am on like chpter54! and i was praying and that and bam there was a line which read as follows... *cough cough* salvation will come soon. 51 v5 I was like all riiite dats so rad. like God spoke 2 me just like that and it was nice*. I like it wen he does that, all the revelations we recieve during our days probably go unoticed and we just pass a "word" from God up as another normal thing not accually realizing where it came from and how it can help us in various ways. its rad. and spking 2 a border lining Christian the other sed like he just doesnt know! like some of them think they know Christianity and how it works and that, but really he was honest and that wats sux they just dont know! so lets get out there and let him be known!

Saturday, October 23, 2004

Me, James, Robin, Mazzo Posted by Hello

Cameron's superb picture taking and my kewl designs we make a formiddable team! Posted by Hello

James and Jarryd going matrix style! Posted by Hello

Tuesday, October 19, 2004


Friends are great
they care they love
they treasure they protect
they’re always there for you
they comfort they honour
they keep they admire
they’re always there for you

but when push comes to shove
they leave you dried and shrivelled up
what happened?
they’re all gone
they left you dead and buried
but there is an answer
Jesus Christ
he is someone who will cherish you
build you up
do everything your friends do
and more
he will always be there for you

hey check all da kewl peeps

all riiite so theres kj an da gang etc i need more plp pics.

k all

hey its kerri-jane...mwahahahha Posted by Hello

its kj (spelt right) an sandz and the gang Posted by Hello

andrew and me chilling at sadies house 4 a token braai Posted by Hello

Sunday, October 17, 2004

The being is the hard part

etc ect ya so im back in action after da guys was newayz we domin8ed with n8 an the gang. an slept in tents on my lovely matress,so soft....>an it rained 2.hears a poem 2keep u going:

being alone being afraid
being brave being a hero
being clever being diligent
being strong being tough
being popular being friendly
being pretty being attractive

it all doesn’t matter
once you know him
once you’ve felt him
once you’ve experienced him
everything will fall away
he cannot be compared
he is the alpha and the omega
only time will tell
the beginning and the end

all riiite im out. Go with God.

Thursday, October 07, 2004

Natures Greatest Adversary

Natures Greatest Adversary
Wonderful, Beautiful, Exquisite
Sun beaming, birds chirping
Leaves blowing, trees beckoning

Humble before its greatest adversary
This beauty, this luscious terrain
Spells God’s name forwards and backwards

It can tell the story of 1000 words
With one glance, but look again
The tail is almost told

He breaks, he cuts, he slashes
Destroys everything in his path
Nothing will stop this ruthless beast
Overcoming what its set out to do

When it is done

We look around,
What dismay is lead upon the land

It is unpredictable
Not knowing when it will strike
We have to watch our backs, for when we turn around

There it is, staring us straight in the face
Uncertain of what to do next,
We back away cautiously

Man is an evil thing
Lying, deceiving, cheating
Getting what it wants is what makes it
Nature’s greatest adversary

The road of Salvation

The road of Salvation
Along the road of salvation
It’s a tough one,
It is.
People bring you down
They don’t care
Getting there’s the hard part
Staying there’s another story

Along the road of freedom
You will experience
Triumph, tragedy and trauma.

But all in all
There’s nothing like the reward
Its magnificent,
It is.

Water’s unknown rival

Water’s unknown rival
Water trickling after a late night storm
It flows in and out of crevasses
The smooth, shining water reflects off the chosen rocks
They glisten unlike any others
The reeds sway to and fro
Bushes move almost rhythm like
Blades of grass reach their full potential
glowing an earthly green
people come, people go
never stop and take a look at God’s awesome creation
suddenly without warning, something comes along
unlike the flowing water and glowing grass
unlike the glistening rocks and rhythmatic bushes
it locks on targets and catches them in its deadly grasp
costs about 40cents and is bright yellow
we’ve tried time and time again
but no one can stop the plastic packet

pretty flower Posted by Hello

be carefull.....> Posted by Hello

 Posted by Hello

Andrew getting beatin up again!!! aaaahh (by sum dodge Pommi guys....) Posted by Hello

Puss_in_Boots Posted by Hello

Mclaren - All Riiite Posted by Hello


People running, people dashing,
Too quick, too fast.
No one seems to worry, no one seems to care,
No one seems to stop to breathe the fresh air.

People always hurry,
Always doing things.
Stacking up worldly treasures,
Like diamond crowns and rings.

Men who are lustful, women who are hoars.
People who are drinking, people who are swearing.
People never realise,
To stop and do some caring.

People say they are waiting for the right person,
not knowing they are there already.
He was there the moment you were born,
Waiting there, he has always been ready.

To be powerful, strong, popular and wealthy,
Everything we ever wanted.
It all goes out the window,
Once we realise that’s not at all needed.

Searching along that never ending road,
With people always bringing you down.
Never stop searching for that salvation,
No matter how many time you receive ‘the frown’.
Climbing up that mountain,
That mountain of fire.
People shooting you down,
But all they want is your own driving desire.

People say they are going to university,
Or are going overseas.
They are trying to turn on the car,
But have never found the keys.

The Abandoned Soul

The Abandoned Soul
I cry out to you everyday, everynight
My troubles consume me.
I feel abandoned by my creator,
My soul being eaten alive
by the very world I live in.

I am worn out
and cannot go on much further.
I need to see the light again,
But I am afraid of getting there.

The darkness consumes and engulfs me
In everything I do.
I need you Jesus,
You are all I need to survive.

I thrive on a relationship with the
Alpha and Omega.

You are my Glorious King,
my Trusting Saviour,
my Holy Zion.

You are the only one
who can rescue my
Abandoned soul.

lonely self

Lonely Self

I have a thing about trust
No big deal nothing big
Just an ordinary conviction
Which entered my mind
Trust to some people is
Being there for them
Listening to them
Telling your secrets to them
But can you really trust
Something or someone with sin?
Our sinfull nature is part of us
Binded to our soul
We can’t get rid of it
No matter how hard we try
We trust our friends
We trust our family
We should only trust
something that is perfect
no one was perfect
except Jesus Christ
as for me, I put my trust in him.