Saturday, March 26, 2005

From the darkside.... Posted by Hello

Triumph over Aggravation

God’s been teaching me many things over the last while, and sometimes its hard to accept. Hearing from him in different ways and understanding stuff is usually real hard when you become busy and have all this other stuff to do.
It really sucks when you want to go bust out and spend time with God, but you always seem to have an excuse or don’t find time for it. I find that sometimes, I’m just not keen and I don’t think I’ll ever know why?

Like I know it’ll be exhilarating and fun, an that God will hopefully chat to me; except I lie to myself by saying no, rather go do this or that.

The other day I came home and had the raddest bust out session with God. He told me all this stuff that He wants to happen in my school and how I can teach people things about him more. Cause when He speaks to me on something, He doesn’t want me to keep quiet about it. Yeah its not like that, I gotta tell the world!

Afterwards, an it was like 3 hours, I lost track of time, I felt so amped to tell people about what He had said, cause I was preparing my speech that I have to give next Tuesday. An it was invigorating to see all the stuff that He wants me to share.

So what I’m trying to say to you is that, when God decides to rock up and blow your mind/concept/understanding of God, He wants you to tell people about it. Sometimes its real personal stuff just between you and God, but for me its more about what God can accomplish through me.

I like to think that I try hard not to hinder Gods will, but infact I do and we all do. You’ve all heard of His perfect will, to tap into that would be priceless. His divine nature gets revealed and we see God’s face.

Imagine seeing God for who He truly is, in all His Glory, Power, Mercy and Honour. We could never do that on Earth now, only when we see Jesus Christ again will that happen.

Oh the wonders of His love, its so good to be on “the winning team” just to know that we cannot go change the world but die trying. Even when all else fails, and we are as weak as ever: He is still unvarying, still strong, still constant, still God.

I also believe that when God comes, and this may be a bit theological or religious but when He does, we won’t need to long for anything else, or anticipate anymore. Where it says Jesus Christ, who was, who is and is to come speaks in the past, present and future. At that time, there is no future; it changes to who was and who is. There is no is to come for He has arrived.

We sin, God forgives, we hate, God loves, we choose, Gods choice. To keep on going all day everyday, with no concerns, travesties or humiliations we will stand before our creator bold and accomplished, content with His return: It builds character but shows faith, trust and hope but the greatest of all: love.

Monday, March 21, 2005

An a cave. yep a cave to you, but to me it represents how God can intervene in our lives, our rock He is. Looking from the inside it prepares itself for whatever is coming in from the outside. Posted by Hello

Hey. i got a rather intense cloud photo here, i like cloud pics, they gota be done right tho, in the right weather. But yeah cant you just see God in there, its rad, imagine looking at this from His view! Posted by Hello

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Experiencing a True God

Have you ever got to that place when God is so good that you don’t need to worry or think about anything else?

Lately things have been happening here and I have been experiencing different things all around me. It has been really exciting being really expectant on God, and when He rocks up, that its awesome!

I used to believe that to hear from God and what He’s saying is really hard. But God has proved me otherwise. I’ve been doing a lot of “hands on” intercession lately and boy has it been making a difference.

Its one thing to chat to one of your luke-warm Christians about God and encourage them, its good to do that, but then I thought, you know this isn’t really working so well.

They weren’t getting real with God, and understanding His will for their lives. They weren’t really taking God seriously or having faith in Him changing lives and wanting to change their lives.

I prayed a lot for them, in the safety of my own home, in my special quiet-times with God and I knew He was preparing them for what was to come.

Then one day after being really expectant of what God’s plans were, I finally got my chance. I got to pray for them, it was intense and the Holy Spirit said alot of things through me.

I received from God more and more, visions and feelings and encouragements I was able to speak into their lives. It was an amazing experience for them and for me.

For over the next week and a half I got to experience those peoples lives change dramatically. For the first time in their life, they got to experience Gods truth and His love.

Then to check up on that, more prayer was offered and did the visions flow! I’ve never experienced so much from God in two weeks. It has been an eventful time, and I cant see and cant wait to see what God has planed for me for the next couple weeks!

So prayer for those opportunities to impact someones life, it works and yes it is worth it. Jesus came to save us all from death and came to give us life!

Be humble in your works for the Lord, He who starts work in us will carry it through to completion.

God Bless

Saturday, March 12, 2005

H3r3 sUm int3-R3stiNg fAct5

Ankylophobia- Fear of immobility of a joint.
Apeirophobia- Fear of infinity.
Arachibutyrophobia- Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth.
Arachnephobia or Arachnophobia- Fear of spiders.
Atychiphobia- Fear of failure.
Coulrophobia- Fear of clowns.
Dermatopathophobia- Fear of skin disease.
Gerascophobia- Fear of growing old.
Helminthophobia- Fear of being infested with worms.
Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia- Fear of long words.
Hobophobia- Fear of bums or beggars.
Lockiophobia- Fear of childbirth.
Merinthophobia- Fear of being bound or tied up.
Obesophobia- Fear of gaining weight.(Pocrescophobia)
Rhabdophobia- Fear of being severely punished or beaten by a rod.
Taphephobia Taphophobia- Fear of being buried alive.
Zemmiphobia- Fear of the great mole rat.

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Going slow or going nowhere?

I’m going deliberately slower than usual for some reason. Its more a change of times and people changing around me.
Heres an extract from my English essay:

“With a new view point comes a revelation of knowledge that we never knew before. It brings new light on the topic or situation and we begin to understand things or see where people are coming from a lot better.”

Perspectives change many things and ways we see things – Gods way. At the moment mine are changing [slower than usual] but that’s beside the point. I want to be able to live my life completely free from all bondages and everything that used to tie me down.

Yet I still find myself dawdling my way through each day, not putting in much effort to sustain my relationships. I seem to take advantage of what I have, use it then when I’m done, just throw it away.

The beautiful letdown, being amped for an event or situation God put you in is cool but when you have these expectations in the world and what they are going to do, then it falls through.

We need to learn that by being expectant, is not being expectant of what’s going to happen and who’s going to be there, what our friends are going to do, or have some plan of how you think things are going to go.

Being expectant is waiting on God and seeing what He has planed for the day, situation or event. Of believing that you have no idea of what is going to happen or what Gods going to do but you just sit back enjoy the ride and let God blow your mind.

Its happened to me many times. I actually was expectant enough for God and He did blow my mind, by bestowing me another handy spiritual gift.

To actually almost not box God is what we are aiming for, giving everything over to him. Every difficulty, every problem, every deed, every word and every thought must be given to God.

All temptations are futile when we are in Christ. That basically means, every lustful and evil thought that Satan tempts us with is useless, when we are in Christ.

Being in Gods presence more and more is something that helps us grow and succeed as a follower of Christ. To know Gods thoughts and what He thinks of things is a perspective change.

When it happens Satan can’t touch us mentally because we are so close to God. There is only one thing that He can do and that is to trick us into thinking that He is stronger than God. We start to fear him and his Demons. We focus on the negative and on that and He lies to us continually into believing all that trash.

We start to commit sins which we sorted out months or years before then, and He rubs it in our face. Telling us how useless and what a failure we are as Christians.

That is all rubbish, God loves us and He wants to be with us. We are made in His likeness and He has blessed each and everyone of us individually. Those lies are not from Him, God does not tell lies, He does not make you feel guilty for sin, that is the devil doing all that, and we repeatedly beat ourselves up after that.

Don’t beat yourselves up about anything. We can do all things through Him who gives us strength, consequently we can get rid of all sins and errors in our lives, all we have to do is give it to God, and don’t worry or be anxious about anything but in prayer and petition offer your requests up to God, He is listening.

God Bless.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

And its so true. Heres a kewl site Posted by Hello

Saturday, March 05, 2005

Interesting site...

Hey guys I found a site which gave me alot of info on what I've been doing and thinking about lately. Its called

what I was looking at was
it gets the mind think and a bit of a challenge, its a scary thought tho. check it out if you keen.

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Life’s next journey

His way, her want
His need, her belief

His obscure way of thinking
Determining between the immoral and the injustice

They both fold together
Like a knife and fork, perfectly match

Yet the differences are vast
They both have their eclipses and secrets

As time elapses, they both grow weak as
The uncertainty of their unity boils within

He doesn’t know which buttons to press
She can’t understand his Integration

By way of thought she musters up the courage
Only to let herself down, once again

Being precise, twenty four seven
Its hard, we all have our Iniquities

They have been torn apart
By the very thing they thought didn’t exist

Their so called perfect unison and bond
Ceases to exist

How does Gods perfect man and women
Become so contradictory and unsound?

Whether God intervenes or not,
The will be an outcome of some sort

She begs and pleads
When will he listen?

He despises the facts, though so true
Why does she operate the way she does?

She keeps a tight hold on possessions
Whilst he wonders where it disappears to
Will they reunite or reform?
Or is this the last straw?

No one making up their minds
Everyone desires to compete

The age, spiritual and maturity gap
Hinders them from excellence

Are the really on the same page?
Or is their more to this perverse story

Where does that leave our couple?
Tattered and beaten, will they prevail?

God reminds us daily of our duties,
Responsibilities and tasks

We know what is what, who is who
It is our life that is erroneous

Forgiveness, compassion and empathy
Its all in a days work

To stay alive and cope in this world
God’s sanctuary of refuge is a necessity

He grace keeps us in the kingdom
Whether the thought is conscious or not

Not realising the battles everyday
Our prayers will overcome theirs

With boldness and a soft heart
She confesses her disobedience

With assurance and an apprehensive heart
He makes up and admits his offences

The start a fresh, a new beginning
The love revitalizes the connection

Faith gives us a head start
Living with the love and glory

It’s a past time worth doing
Living and walking his way

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

I saw this Factory on my way to the Kruger Park, its amazing how you can show that "Jesus is Lord!!" Posted by Hello

Beware they're dangerous!! Posted by Hello